About the Brand
SUGARING is an ancient method of epilation dating back thousands of years. At Organic Bliss, we use our signature line of sugaring products CaribbeanCandy® to bring true decadence to your hair removal experience. The area to be sugared is first sprinkled with our Coconut Dusting Powder, next our paste made of sugar, lime juice, & water is molded over your skin in the opposite direction of hair growth, & removed in the same direction of hair growth, making for a more comfortable epilation service while leaving you gently exfoliated, smooth, & hair free.
THREADING has been a common method of hair removal in eastern countries such as India & Egypt for centuries. Both clever & efficient, this hair removal technique uses a cotton thread to trap hair in a mini lasso & lift it right out of the follicle using a twisting motion. This method is preferred by clients who seek facial hair removal without product application.

A Note from the Founder
Coming soon!

Rasheedah Loharsingh